CTPress September 14, 2018


I have some updates for the congregation about upcoming events in the life of the church.

Yokefellows BBQ Postponed
Due to the threat of nasty weather from Hurricane Florence, the Yokefellows decided earlier this week to postpone the BBQ scheduled for Saturday, September 15.

Congregational Meeting
The session has called for a congregational meeting following the 11am service on Sunday, September 23. The trustees are recommending that we modify the agreement made at a congregational meeting held earlier, and that the church sell to Edge Hill Cemetery the four acres the church owns within the cemetery itself, and property located at Congress and West
streets, for $50,000.

Steeple Rededication
The scaffolding is down, (updated photo in newsletter) and the project is near completion! The steeple will be rededicated on Sunday, October 7 at the close of both worship services. Following the 11am service there will be a light reception on the lawn (weather permitting), something we were not able to do all summer.

Fall Festival
This isn’t new event, just a reminder. The annual fall festival will be held on Sunday, October 14 following worship. There will be one worship service that morning at 11am.

Scarf Night (well, afternoon) and bake sale
This event is being coordinated by the Mission and Outreach Committee. On Saturday, November 3, we will have a unique event. From 2pm-5pm you are invited to come and design a scarf (typically, these are for women). We will also have a bake sale/cake auction with this event. Scarves are $45 each, and the church will receive $10 per scarf for the steeple fund. These
make great gifts! Come on out for a great time of fellowship and fun and help Save the Steeple. (The Missions and Outreach committee is also seeking donated baked goods for this event)


Pastor John