CTPress September 16, 2016

Dear Friends,

This Sunday I am beginning a sermon series on the book of 1 John. This letter by one of Jesus’ closest disciples was written in response to some very dangerous teaching that was getting attached to the gospel. It was so pervasive and appealing that it took generations for the Church to effectively counter it. It is called Gnosticism. Ironically, Gnosticism is a problem for us even today.

Whenever you hear someone question when something can be objectively true (especially spiritual matters or religious doctrine) or that someone claims something is “true for me,” you are encountering Gnosticism.

I haven’t given the series a title, but if I did, I would be inclined to call it “The Gospel of Jesus Christ: True or False?” I hope you will plan on coming to hear this series, which will take us to advent.

I am also excited about Sunday, October 2. We have a busy day that day. During the Sunday school hour, George Tabb will be giving a report on the adult mission trip that happened in late August. Students from grade 6 and all adults are welcome and encouraged to come to that report.

We will also be hosting the Eastern Panhandle Mission Community fall music festival. The EPMC is the community of Presbyterian churches from Morgan, Berkeley and Jefferson counties. This annual festival features individual choirs of singers and ringers. The program will be followed by a reception in the fellowship hall.

As you can see, some exciting things are happening at Charles Town Presbyterian Church. Please plan on joining us as we continue doing God’s work.


Pastor John